Saturday, 6 November 2021

Adult Scoliosis

Adult scoliosis is a term used to describe scoliosis that occurs in those who are over the age of 18 and out of puberty, this type of scoliosis is not as common as adolescent scoliosis and is often a result of the condition not being diagnosed during childhood.

When your spine is straight and healthy it supports the weight of your head and body and allows you to twist bend and remain upright. When it is not straight it can lead to limited movement in the spine and this could lead to pain, limit your daily activities, and it can make it harder for you to breathe as your lungs and heart are compressed.

If you were to look at the spine from the back it should be straight, but for those who suffer from scoliosis, they have spines that look more like an S or C shape. This can be treated by leading spine surgeon in Chennai. Do visit them right away.

The causes of this condition, and the available treatments for adults who suffer from scoliosis, can be very different then what is seen or used in younger patients who are still in the process of growing.

Causes of adult scoliosis may be:

• Adults who had this condition as adolescent and where operated on but the surgery as proven to not be successful

• Adults who had this condition as adolescent and at the time did not require treatment, but now their scoliosis has worsened and is causing them pain

• Adults with a neuromuscular condition such as muscular dystrophy

• Adults with osteoporosis or degeneration of the structures of the spine

• Adults who have had an injury or accident that has damaged the spine

Adult scoliosis oftentimes presents itself first as back pain, the longer this condition progresses the more apparent the curvature would become. This pain would be at or below where the curving begins and may be accompanied by nerve compression that would cause pain, weakness, numbness or tingling down the leg or legs. This nerve damage is often what brings a patient into the doctors office.

Other symptoms of scoliosis are:

• You may have uneven shoulders or one of your shoulders may be more pronounced then the other

• Your ribs may protrude out or/and be at different angles

• One hip may appear to be higher than the other one

• It may start getting harder for you to breath as it becomes difficult for your lungs and heart to work properly

• As your curvature worsens you may begin to notice your spine rotate or twist as well as curve side to side in an S pattern or to one side in a C pattern.

• You may start to look shorter, it is not unknown for patients to gain a few inches after spinal straightening surgery is done

• You may notice a change in the appearance of the skin on your spine such as dimples, hairy patches and color changes.

• You may also notice yourself leaning to one side of your body